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Newspaper Printing Machine Manufacturers

The 5 dirty little secrets that no one wants you to know about newspaper printing machine manufacturers

Are you in the process of buying a new newspaper printing machine but do not know what all to look for? You will find a lot of details regarding the technical aspects of buying a new machine, but there are 5 dirty little secrets about the newspaper printing machine that nobody wants you to know. When you step out to buy that machine, here are the things that you should keep in mind.


Just like you would not purchase an electronic item without a warranty, do not purchase a printing machine without having a solid written agreement outlining the performance guarantees that the manufacturer can assure you of. This is critical from two standpoints. First of all, there is the economic issue. A newspaper printing machine is expensive as is, you do not want to be spending additional sums of money trying to fix it up frequently. Secondly, your entire business depends upon the performance of this machine. It would prove to be an incredible loss for you if the machine was out of operation time and time again. Save yourself the trouble and purchase a product whose quality and performance you can trust.


Stemming from the first point, never trust a manufacturer who does not produce the critical parts (cylinders, sleeves and main frames) of the newspaper press in his own machine shop. When you purchase an item you expect a certain quality from it. You may have done your research and picked a good manufacturer, but if he is not producing the most critical components himself, how can you take his word on the quality of the entire machine? Even in the presence of a written agreement regarding the product quality, it is only going to cause problems for you if there are faults. Procuring your own newspaper printing press is a massive investment; do not compromise on anything, particularly the quality.


Ensure a thorough print trial is done before the machine is dispatched from the factory. This trial should be done in front of you or your representative, and the print produced by the machine should be more than satisfactory. This is not a purchase you can go back on. It is akin to buying a house. Do a thorough check and ensure that you are happy with the end result the machine produces. There is no point in repenting later because you did not do the requisite amount of examination.


Even the best quality machines can have some faults once in a while. In the event that a problem occurs, take a guarantee from the manufacturer regarding the response time. You would definitely not want to be waiting for months on end before your service issues are resolved. That will drastically hurt your firm. Rather than struggling to get a hold of a trusted repairman later, have a discussion regarding your expected response time at the time of purchase.


Finally, it is imperative that you are okay with the print waste that the machine will generate. Make sure that you have a definitive commitment from the manufacturer regarding the same. This will help ensure greater efficiency and profits for you (due to a lesser wastage of resources). Around 65% of web offset users go out of business because they are not able to control print waste generated by the machine. By using equipment that produces lesser waste, you are reducing your business risk considerably. Lesser print waste will make you extemely competitive in the market thereby improving success rate.So there you have it folks – the 5 secrets no one will tell you about the newspaper printing machine. If you are in the market for a new printing machine, make sure that you utilize the aforementioned tips for lasting satisfaction.

Posted in Newspaper Printing Machine

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